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> 700â–
Overview:Commonly described as the most dangerous moon in base Lethal Company, 8-Titan features a frozen-over mining facility that has been completely stripped of resources and abandoned. The front face of the building is the only part that players will interact with, featuring a tall main stairway adjacent to the ship that reaches the main entrance to the facility. A short distance to the west of the main entrance will grant access to the fire exit, which can alternatively be reached via a secondary stairway on the westernmost part of the facility. Due to the close proximity of the ship to the entrances, it is very convenient to transport scrap. This can be further improved by utilising a flat Extension Ladder to extend the potential distance at which you can drop items from the main stairway.
Titan, like other snowy moons, undergoes constant blizzards which will limit visibility heavily regardless of weather conditions. This allows entities such as Eyeless Dogs and the Masked to conceal themselves for surprise attacks, so keeping alert is a necessity on this moon while outside.
Potential Interiors: