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> 15%
A simple mass of sentient, viscous, liquid. The Hydrodere will attempt to follow any Assets nearby and engulf them in their body mass. There isn't much nuance to this entity other than that. It serves mostly as a slow obstacle that will block an essential path or critical item more often than not. Standing within the Hydrodere will rapidly deteriorate any employee unfortunate enough to be in that position causing their eventual death.
Hydroderes will become energetic if struck with a melee weapon, causing them to vibrate rapidly and increase their movement speed. Useful if you need them to follow you faster to clear a path.
Hydroderes will become both energetic and passive if in the range of an active Boombox. They will vibrate and move rapidly, deal no damage to Assets that pass through it, and attempt to migrate towards the Boombox if no Assets are present.
Hydroderes are unable to open doors, so they have to rely on either Assets or capable entities to release them from certain parts of the facility.
It is possible to stand on a railing or jump over this entity to avoid it.