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> 80%
> 5 HITS
A shadowy, unsettling entity. The Bracken lurks in the shadows, actively moving and hunting down a preferably isolated victim. Brackens utilise stealth to ambush their prey, but can be anticipated by listening for their somewhat quiet footsteps, or witnessing the ill-omen of lights within the facility flashing rapidly and shutting down, indicating a Bracken is stalking nearby. Glancing quickly at a stalking Bracken will cause it to retreat momentarily if possible, but do not stare at it directly for too long or force it into a corner otherwise you will risk enraging it.
If a Bracken is able to sneak up on an Asset without detection, they have been noted to prefer to execute their targets by snapping their necks, then dragging their body away to a distant room. However, the first Asset a Bracken reaches per moon will not directly kill them, but instead capture and force them into a twisted game to escape their pursuit down a hazard-filled corridor. Most will succumb to the Bracken here, but for the Assets skilled enough to escape, they will return to where the Bracken first captured them. The Bracken has been noted to react aggressively when an Asset disables the facility's power by removing the Apparatus. This will send the Bracken into an extended enraged state, hunting down and snapping the necks of any Asset who dares to be near.
Check behind you often if you believe the presence of a Bracken is possible.
Look out for the presence of lights flashing if active, and try to reset the breaker box if the Bracken has disabled any necessary lights.
If you are captured and forced to escape the Bracken, be prepared to dodge any obstacles that may be thrown in your path.
It is possible to co-operate with other Assets to eliminate a Bracken if necessary. Utilise melee weapons, zap-guns, or shotguns to eliminate this contact.