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> 0â–
Overview:220-Assurance is a twin moon with 41-Experimentation, featuring far more jagged and weathered terrain. The environment is arid and dry, with dead plants and abandoned machinery littered around the site. Due to the varying topology, line of sight can be broken easily, making threats such as Eyeless Dogs and Baboon Hawks potentially more dangerous. Narrow valleys that must be passed through to reach the facility on the low ground can be completely denied by Circuit Bee hives or lurking Earth Leviathans, forcing the employees to creatively remove the threat or take an alternate path. The fire exit for the facility is located on high ground, however tools are not necessary to reach it. A ladder to the easy connected to scaffolding allow for employees to scale a large rock, then jump to the adjacent pipeline that connects the main entrance and fire exit. From here, either door can be jumped to when on the respective end of the pipeline. This is illustrated on the map with the purple path.
Potential Interiors: