Bunker Spiders
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A gargantuan arachnid, the Bunker Spider prefers to wait for their prey to stumble into their webs before feasting upon them. When the Bunker Spider is present on a moon, it will begin spinning webs in various locations around where it intends to capture prey. Typically around six webs per Bunker Spider is to be expected from previous observation. Once the spider has finished building their webs, they will select a surface to climb and await prey, typically high up on a wall. At this point they are considered "nesting", and will not move unless disturbed. The only methods of disturbing a Bunker Spider and forcing it into an alerted state are:
An Asset steps into a web that belongs to the spider.
An Asset destroys a web belonging to the spider, using a melee weapon.
The Bunker Spider takes damage from any source.
An Asset enters close proximity of the Bunker Spider.
If any of these conditions are met during the building or nesting state, the Bunker Spider will enter an alerted state and begin moving, attempting to find the nearest Asset who disturbed it. After it captures and kills its prey, or loses its target, it will re-enter the nesting state if possible. Assets who die to a Bunker Spider will be wrapped in silk and unable to be retrieved without the use of a Teleporter.
Look out for webs and legs poking around the corner of a wall for telltale signs of a Bunker Spider's presence.
Sometimes it isn't necessary to trigger the spider if the web positions are favourable. Make sure to jump and crouch around the webs to avoid alerting it.
Destroying the Bunker Spider's webs with a melee weapon is often a smart way of luring it out of difficult positions, allowing your teammates to evade it.
It is very manageable to kill one of these creatures with a melee weapon. You can typically outpace one by moving backwards and timing strikes to hit the creature as it attempts to reach you. Be aware the Bunker Spider will become faster as it becomes critically injured.
It is possible to jump over a Bunker Spider if it corners you, due to it having a low profile when stood up.