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> 1200â–
Overview:Ganimedes is an abandoned mining facility on a desert moon that was vacated due to a severe entity outbreak. Ganimedes is currently the most challenging moon available in TheMostLethalCompany, and offers a great amount of scrap and plenty of foes to encounter. The moon hosts a main entrance directly north of the runway that acts as the landing zone, located in the impression of a large drill that was once used here. Due to the large nature of the interior of this moon and large amount of scrap and enemy spawns, it would be wise to divide the attention of the crew between multiple fire exits. Due to the severe lack of cover on the central part of the compound, flanking around the buildings and using the silos as cover may help prevent deaths to Forest Giants or Eyeless Dogs that can spawn in the evening.
Fire ExitsAbove the main entrance is the first of four fire exits (A), which can be reached by travelling up the spiral of the pit anti-clockwise. Just west of the main entrance is a silo connected to a long pipeline. Climbing the ladder on top of the pipeline then following the pipe east will allow you to reach a cliff-face, where the second fire exit (B) can be entered. The third fire exit (C) is located behind an enclosed fence on the western area of the compound. There are multiple ways to reach this fire exit from the outside, including utilising an Extension Ladder or Jetpack to bypass the fence, climbing the scaffolding near the landing zone and jumping to a light fixture to reach the adjacent roof, or climbing the silo we used to reach fire exit (B) and jumping to the adjacent containers to bridge the gap to the fenced off compound. Fire exit (D) is the most difficult entry point, and requires an employee to either jump onto the central pipeline while the ship is still landing, utilise a Jetpack to reach it directly, or reach it by accessing the roof from the tower located to the west of fire exit (C).
Potential Interiors: