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Impact: 🟡🟡

"Flying from the pages of mythology, the phoenix is a legendary firebird that can never truly die." Swift Combatant.


  • Has two forms: Normal and Reborn.

  • Has an Elytra in normal form.

  • Upon dying in normal form, ignore death and enter reborn form.

  • If you are in reborn form, slowly progress towards rejuvenating back into your normal form by being in direct sunlight or sneaking without moving (these stack together).

  • Can ascend into the air using their primary active ability in normal form.

  • Can shoot a fireball that damages and ignites enemies in both forms using their secondary active ability.

  • In direct sunlight, receive a speed boost to land and flying speed.

  • You have slow falling and jump boost in reborn form.

  • You are immune to fire damage.


  • Every two minutes, heal every entity in a 12 block radius to full HP.

  • You burn the ground when you die in reborn form.


  • Has 5 hearts (10 points) of HP in normal form.

  • Has 3 hearts (6 points) of HP in reborn form.

  • Lose access to Elytra and primary active in reborn form.

  • All foods restore less hunger except golden foods.

  • You are slower in water.

  • Standing in water or rain removes progress from rejuvenating if you are in reborn form.

  • You take increased kinetic damage.

Originally made by ChiliLeaf#3970 on the Origins Discord Server. Reworked by Clark for use in the Adapted Origins mod.

Last updated